What is Harm Reduction?

Harm reduction is a way of helping people who might be struggling with things related to drugs.

It's a way of trying to reduce its negative consequences so that people can be safer and healthier.

For example, if someone is using drugs, harm reduction might mean providing safer means to use them or a safer place for them to use them at, so that they're not at risk of getting into trouble or hurting themselves.

Now, you may ask:

Why do we bother with reducing harm if we can just take away the drug use?

Because drugs work!

Regardless of how we might feel about drug use, the fact remains that people use drugs because it does something for them. And drugs are used for different reasons. Some use them for fun. Others for cultural and religious purposes. Some use them to cope. Even some use drugs to allow them to function better with their tasks.

is NOT something anyone will say.

We have to spend time to understand how people use drugs NOT so we could criticize and judge them for it. We learn and understand these to know how we can best support and keep people safe – because isn’t that the whole point?

The goal of harm reduction is to minimize the harm that can come from drug use and to help people who are struggling to find healthier ways of coping..

Principles of Harm Reduction

Harm reduction is not what it is without these seven principles. These principles should all be present in developing a complete harm reduction response:


Dignity, Respect, and Trust

People, regardless of their drug use, are people. Harm reduction values and never disparages the dignity of a human being.



Harm reduction prioritizes the health, safety, and wellbeing of every individual. It focuses on what’s doable right now, without judgment.



Harm reduction is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach. It recognizes that each individual has their own needs, goals, and contexts.



Any positive change, no matter small or big, is celebrated. Harm reduction sees any kind of progress as a good thing.



It is important that each individual has the ability to make decisions and actions for themselves. Harm reduction values the ability to take charge of one’s life and make it better.


Collaborative Partnerships

Every individual is the expert of their own experience. Harm reduction recognizes the importance of working together with unique, individual goals that may vary from person to person.



Harm reduction maintains taking responsibility for the entire journey of an individual, and that each decision should embody every harm reduction principle mentioned.

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